An Afghan who has renounced his Islamic faith for Christianity faces the death penalty under Afghan law in a throwback to the brutal Taleban regime.Hooboy, can't you just hear them in forty years' time, bragging to their grandchildren about their courageous exploits to save the fledgling Afghanistan government that bravely sought the most brutal punishment to stifle basic religious freedom, and promoted poppy growth to feed the world heroin market? Doesn't it make you wish you were young and idealistic and had a chance to better the world by signing up for duty yourself?
Abdul Rahman, 41, is being prosecuted for an "attack on Islam", for which the punishment under Afghanistan's draft constitution, is death by hanging.
"The Attorney General is emphasising he should be hung. It is a crime to convert to Christianity from Islam. He is teasing and insulating his family by converting," Judge Alhaj Ansarullah Mawlawy Zada, who will be trying his case, told The Times.
"He was a Muslim for 25 years more than he has been a Christian. We will request him to become a Muslim again. In your country two women can marry I think that is very strange. In this country we have the perfect constitution, it is Islamic law and it is illegal to be a Christian and it should be punished," said the judge.
(Emphasis mine)
Ah, what stories they will tell...
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I think this wee willie guy has me mixed up with a Scott from Winnipeg fellow. I don't recall calling for anyone to be banned anywhere, but I do recall reading a lot of half-baked jabber from notadhimmi on CathiefromCanada's blog. Not surprising he couldn't get his enemies straight...
Whatever wee willie. Thanks for dropping by and for being so polite. You really added a lot of constructive comment. [Yawns]
Thinking of Herzog, that book by former Montrealer Saul Bellow.
Upbraid a fool;don't upraid a fool.
OK, I'll try to be
Surely you can't be advocating going in and changing the laws of a country. I definitly don't agree with what's happening to the guy over there, don't get me wrong here, perhaps another rescue is in order here, but seriously, wouldn't changing their laws be the same as what the people are screaming at Bush for in Iraq?
Hey Dazz, no; I just don't think it's a constructive use of our armed forces, and I think our peacekeeping capability - our strong point - could serve somewhere else more productively. Nobody has ever been able to stabilize Afghanistan and our involvement just heightens us on the radar of jingoistic jihadist wackos. Not something we need. I guess this mission is more about placating American sensibilities than anything else. Well at least we're not part of the Iraq coalition of the damned.
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