Thursday, September 26, 2019

Montreal: March for Climate Action 09-27-2019

When I hear Greta Thunberg damning the world at the UN...

...I am reminded of exactly where I was when I wrote No Healing:


Messing around
Digging up tarpits
And we'll burn it all away

Mining that gold
Exporting asbestos
Trade the future for today

We don't know why
But I've got a feeling
It could be a long time
Before we start the healing

Frack that shale
Strip that mountain
Extract it all away

Drain all brains
With the freshwater
Rape the future for today's gain

And I've got a feeling
It'll be a lifetime
Before we staunch the bleeding

Hiding your crimes
Building more prisons
Disregard the scientists

Mute all truths
Reason is treason
Ruled by ideology

And I know I've
Got a sickening feeling
Could be a long time
And there won't be no healing

They are expecting 300,000 in the streets of Montreal tomorrow. Hope to see you there.

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